Well today's the day, I still don't think it has hit me yet that I will be spending the next three and a half months in Europe. We left today from MSP and have one pit stop in Toronto then it's off to Dublin for the next week! I'm excited because I have never been to Ireland or even the UK. I imagine the architecture is very different from that of Florence, so I am looking forward to comparing the two. Ireland has a rich history, and usually I'm not too much of a nerd when it comes to history but when you are in the actual setting of the ancient stories it becomes a whole new kind of fascinating. We have two trips booked so far while we are in Dublin, both day trips. The first travels up to Belfast in Northern Ireland were we will be going along the coast, and the second travels west of Dublin to Galsway with stops along that coast. A few other attractions that I am anxious to see are the Irish Museum of Modern Art, Trinity College and the Guinness Storehouse (it's a must see). I will keep up with my travels here if you would like to follow along. Ciao for now!