Suddenly we round the corner of 2017. Man did this year go fast! Looking back I realize how many amazing people I have in my life and the great experiences that took place these last twelve months.
From the Women's March in St. Paul and our annual Easter visit in Door County, to a weekend getaway with my favorite gal. A wedding in San Diego, a summer getaway in my home away from home to exploring northern Minnesota. Celebrating the new Mr. and Mrs. Gavin, geeking out over Aaron Draplin to becoming an assistant coach of the Wayzata High School gymnastics team.
This year was nothing short of busy but I couldn't be happier. My New Years resolution for 2018 is to keep in touch with people in my life. With all of the craziness that is life, I regret to reach out and catch up with people that were once so important. I'm coming for you 2018!